Award for Best Film
A documentary I narrated – Propaganda – won Best Film at Michael Moore’s Traverse City Film Festival in August.
Earlier in the year I completed a vocal marathon – a 100,000-word endoscopy encyclopedia for Elsevier. I now feel qualified to diagnose every inch of the digestive tract…
Mid-Atlantic Accent Trending
Recently I’ve enjoyed recording a number of Mid-Atlantic accent projects – you know, sort of American with a British flair – like this one for Go Pro (I discovered Go Pro underwater cameras last year while swimming with humpback whales in Tonga – they’re amazing!)
Your 3 Minute Invite to Unwind
Finally, if you’re feeling stressed (and who isn’t overwhelmed by their To-Do list this time of year?) here’s my chill-out audio – go on, treat yourself…
Instant Stress Buster
I look forward to more recording adventures 2014 and wish you fun-filled, relaxing holidays doing whatever you love most.