Meditation Scripts and Inspirational/Motivational Course Voiceover

I’ve always had a passion for studying and writing about personal development and practices, like meditation, that can help us live our best lives.

As a consequence, voicing meditation scripts or inspirational/motivational courses is one of my favourite areas of voice over. I regularly voice material for meditation apps that support people with issues like anxiety, stress or insomnia.

I bring to this work a qualification as a clinical hypnotherapist, which definitely helps with guiding listeners into relaxation and sleep. I actually notice that even in my commercial or documentary voice over work listeners remark on a energy of entrainment into different states of consciousness that they notice when I voice. 

Whether I am putting people to sleep or helping them to “wake up” I am drawn to find the frequency and tone that best suit a given meditation project’s intent.

My voice is also used for programs, courses and products that involve spiritual practice, personal development, health, good nutrition and natural healing. Below are a couple of demos of my meditation work. More examples can be found at

Meditation Script Voice Over Demo

Personal Meditations

Heart Coherence Meditation

This is a meditation I created and voiced based on Heart Coherence science from the HeartMath(TM) Institute. It is designed to move the listener into relaxation and coherence in minutes.

Evolutionary Dynamics Beta Test

I created an “Artificial Intelligence/Almost Human” hybrid read to voice Ken Wilbur’s Superhuman OS and Evolutionary Dynamics Programs for Sacred Media.

Client Raves

Sounds Great!

How Do I Get Started?

Step One

Contact me here to request a quote

If you need a free custom demo, attach your script to help determine the right tone/pace/accent for your project.

Step Two

Once you approve my quote and send me your final script I record your project

You can leave me to record alone, as many clients do, or direct the session live via Source Connect, ISDN Bridge, Zoom or Skype.

Step Three


Your quote includes a free pickup session for any small changes you might need. Payment is due via PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer on completion of project.