Phone Messages & DJ Drop Demos

Including On-Hold Messages, IVR Systems, Cell Phone Voicemail, plus DJ and Radio Liners

Using a professional and experienced voice talent for your phone and IVR messages is a great way to represent your brand to your customers.

Often a phone voicemail message, or an IVR prompt, is the first impression a potential customer has of your business. It’s good to make it count.

With corporate recordings, it’s important that a phone message is clear, welcoming, friendly and succinct. No one wants to hear another rote, insincere, “your call is important to us.”

As a professional copywriter, I often fine-tune IVR scripts and make recommendations to ensure that they flow and convey the information needed without sounding robotic, formulaic or long-winded.

I have voiced phone systems for institutions such as banks, medical and pharmaceutical brands, a cellular phone company and many more.

I occasionally also record individual cell phone messages, such as one for a real estate agent whose business was suffering after she had a throat operation that impacted her ability to speak. Her professional phone message drew business to her and she could communicate subsequently with clients via email and text.

Below you’ll also find Radio Liners and DJ Drop demos.

Client Raves

Sounds Great!

How Do I Get Started?

Step One

Contact me here to request a quote

If you need a free custom demo, attach your script to help determine the right tone/pace/accent for your project.

Step Two

Once you approve my quote and send me your final script I record your project

You can leave me to record alone, as many clients do, or direct the session live via Source Connect, ISDN Bridge, Zoom or Skype.

Step Three


Your quote includes a free pickup session for any small changes you might need. Payment is due via PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer on completion of project.