About Susannah

Experienced British/Mid Atlantic female voice over artist

Meet Susannah Kenton - British & Mid-Atlantic Female Voice Talent

Susannah Kenton - Female Voice Talent for Well-Known International Brands

For nearly 20 years, I’ve voiced for hundreds of companies and well-known international brands. 

I’ve voiced projects ranging from national TV commercials to corporate videos, e-learning and educational projects, multimedia stuff, conferences, AI voices, speech-to-text projects,Internet presentations, animations, guided meditations, audio books, documentaries, feature films, TV shows, phone systems and more.

About Susannah Kenton - British and Mid Atlantic Accent Voice Over Artist

Voice Description
My voice is described as: professional, authoritative, sensual, playful, sincere, believable, sexy, corporate, conversational, smooth, clear, intelligent, energetic, elegant, bright, British, not-too-British, sophisticated, motivational, mesmerizing, experienced, soothing, warm, engaging, and classy – but rarely all in a single recording…

I trained as an actress at LAMDA and the Drama Studio in London, and graduated from Columbia University, NY, with a BA in English and Theatre. I’ve studied voiceover with teachers in Europe and the US, including Marla Kirban in New York and Elaine Craig in Los Angeles.

My Studio
From my professional recording studio in New Zealand, I record British and Mid Atlantic accent voice over projects for clients around the world. My time zone means I am one day ahead of many clients, and can often finish projects “yesterday” – useful for tight deadlines.

Reasons People Choose Me
I guarantee clients are fully satisfied with each project I complete. I love to under promise and over deliver. Here are some of the reasons why clients choose my voice and what they say about working with me.

What You May NOT Know About Me…

  • I’m a dual British/US citizen. I was born in California, to American parents, but shipped to Europe before I turned one. I was taught to speak by a very English nanny, who insisted “squirrel” be pronounced with two syllables, and the British accent stuck.
  • Having lived and studied in the US, shifting into an American or Mid-Atlantic accent comes naturally to me too. So, when American clients ask me to “lose the accent” I’m happy to oblige.
  • I’m a professional copywriter and editor, so making script edits on the fly comes easily.
  • I speak fluent French, and lived in Paris for seven years, where I got to act and voice projects in French – mostly with a strong US or UK accent.
  • I’m based in Christchurch, New Zealand and consequently know first hand what an earthquake aftershock sound wave looks like…

Client Raves

Sounds Great!

How Do I Get Started?

Step One

Contact me here to request a quote

If you need a free custom demo, attach your script to help determine the right tone/pace/accent for your project.

Step Two

Once you approve my quote and send me your final script I record your project

You can leave me to record alone, as many clients do, or direct the session live via Source Connect, ISDN Bridge, Zoom or Skype.

Step Three


Your quote includes a free pickup session for any small changes you might need. Payment is due via PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer on completion of project.