E-Learning & Explainer & Medical Narration Demos

E-learning projects for business, online educational projects, medical and industrial narration

Voice over is used to create e-learning programs and explainer videos for so many different subjects and industries.

Some that I have voiced for include software and technology projects, medical and healthcare offerings, language skills programs, safety training and business leadership projects, as well as topics like environmentalism, sustainability and legal compliance.

The key to voicing this type of voice over work well is to really understand the copy. As a voice talent we are often called to be a spokesperson for a product or industry we may have very little knowledge of.

In order to give a convincing read with the right intonation and emphasis we have to begin by researching and understanding the product or service in question and how it fits into its larger industry context.

What separates an okay voice over talent in this genre from a great one is the ability to lift the words of the script off the page, process them through the mind (and I would also argue through the heart) and have a point of view that aligns with the company/project you are voicing for. 

Instead of just sounding like you are reading words on a page you must help the voice over land with the listener and hold their attention. You are called on to not only deliver technical information clearly with the right pronunciation and diction, but also to read at a pace that is intelligible – not too fast and not too slow – and in sync with the footage and graphics being shown.

Many e-learning projects – especially those for the healthcare/medical sector – require an emotionally neutral, professional tone. E-learning projects for language studies, especially those created for children’s learning, benefit from a more animated, passionate and emotionally rich tone.

Here are a few E-Learning & Explainer & Medical Narration Demos from Various Industries Covering Different Topics:

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How Do I Get Started?

Step One

Contact me here to request a quote

If you need a free custom demo, attach your script to help determine the right tone/pace/accent for your project.

Step Two

Once you approve my quote and send me your final script I record your project

You can leave me to record alone, as many clients do, or direct the session live via Source Connect, ISDN Bridge, Zoom or Skype.

Step Three


Your quote includes a free pickup session for any small changes you might need. Payment is due via PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer on completion of project.